Monday 16 January 2017 | 7pm-9pm | 10 sessions

Tutor: Lisa Beer | Canterbury campus | £98

In the same way that the macro lens enables the photographer to zoom-in on the fine details of an object and study them in great detail, this course will focus on zooming-in and really studying and mastering your photographic skills.

The course is based around a structure of seminars including camera challenges, access to a Mac-suite with photo editing software, group discussions with sharing of images and ideas along with optional weekly challenges. Importantly the course will cover not only camera control but also IT skills and artistic vision to an advanced level.

This course is ideal for those who have completed the ‘Photography: The Complete Skillset’ course who are looking to embed their knowledge and hone their skills still further. It could also be suitable for those with a good basic knowledge of their camera looking to explore the medium further.

You will need to bring your camera with you (a camera with manual aperture and shutter speed controls is essential).

Dates and times

This event finished on 16 January 2017.

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