Doctorate of Education: Leading Change in Education

Wed 26 Feb, 6 - 8pm, VH.0.04, Verena Holmes building, free

Since 2022-23, Canterbury Christ Church University has been exploring how we work with our partner schools on a collaborative basis and beyond trainee placements. Supporting and facilitating high-quality research has been an important part of this work. This has been the basis of the Education Research Schools Network.

We have also worked with a significant number of school-based professionals, across our partnership region and beyond, in gaining higher qualifications, including at doctoral level.

Reflecting our continuing commitment to this provision, we are pleased to invite you to an evening event on 26 February 2025 to hear more about the outstanding quality, range and impact of this doctoral work. Speakers include Seamus Murphy (CEO of Turner Schools), Dr Quentin Roper (Director of Education at Canterbury Diocese), and Marcia White (Secondary Outreach Lead at Bromley Trust Academy).


6 - 6.30pm: Arrival and refreshments

6.30 - 6.40pm: Introduction

Lynnette Turner (Dean of Faculty Arts, Humanities and Education)

6.40 - 6.45pm: Dr Mary Woolley (National Institute for Christian Education Research)

Cultivating deeper interdisciplinary dialogue: Insights for planning into sustainability and climate change education

6.45 - 7.05pm: Marcia White (Bromley Trust Academy)

The discourse of exclusion: what does the language used in permanent exclusion tell us about the reality of inclusion in the education system?

7.05 - 7.25pm: Seamus Murphy (Chief Executive Officer at Turner Schools)

Hero heads, system leaders or navigators of complexity? Exploring leaders’ agency in improving ‘stuck schools’ in the English education system

7.25 - 7.45pm: Quentin Roper (Director of Education at Canterbury Diocese)

Priests and teachers ‘Doing Theology’: insights from using a model of paired reflection in the context of Christian vision and leadership in schools

7.45 - 8pm: Professor Lynn Revell (Director of Research at CCCU)

Educational leadership and the impact of educational research at CCCU

8 - 9pm: Refreshments and networking

Dates and times

This event finished on 26 February 2025.

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