Public Lecture: Defining Antisemitism: The History of a Contested Concept

Tuesday 25 June, 6 - 8pm, free

Michael Berry lecture theatre, OS.0.01, Old Sessions House

Antisemitism is often described as the ‘longest hatred’, a prejudice that dates back millennia. In the past decade, there has been a sharp rise in Antisemitism across the world. Most recently, from the Arab world to Western university campuses, Israel is bitterly criticised for its war against Hamas as tens of thousands of residents in Gaza are killed in the onslaught. But is criticism of Israel antisemitic? Is anti-Zionism always Antisemitism? This lecture will address this issue and seek to define what Antisemitism is, and what it is not.

Dan Cohn-Sherbok is a Reform rabbi and Emeritus Professor of Judaism. He has published very widely on a broad range of topics and his work has made Jewish culture and tradition accessible to a wide audience. His most recent book is Antisemitism: A World History of Prejudice.

Dates and times

This event finished on 25 June 2024.

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