The University’s Dance Education students from the Dance in Society programme
perform a variety of dances from the 16th to the 19th century, directed by Nicola Gaines.

Nicola Gaines is a specialist performer and teacher of Early Dance. A graduate of the London College of Dance and Drama, and the Royal Ballet School’s Teachers Training Course, she worked for many years with the late Belinda Quirey MBE. In 1998 she recorded a highly acclaimed video on Baroque dance with Christopher Tudor.

Nicola has worked and performed on numerous educational projects with the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment. She has also led educational projects for the Victoria & Albert Museum and Viva (East of England Orchestra). Nicola has also delivered dance workshops for EPTA, BKA, ESTA, the Menhuin and Purcell School of Music, ISM London conference 2004, Susuki and mtpp Summer Courses and Pro Corda and the Dalcroze Society.

Nicola is the Dance Leader and Administrator for the Early Dance Faculty of the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dance and is also a teacher for the Junior Associates Scheme at the Royal Ballet School where she is responsible for the use of Early Dance material in the JA training programme and performances.

Dates and times

This event finished on 14 December 2022.

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