A roundtable discussion featuring Watership Down expert Dr Catherine Lester, and brothers Klive and Nigel Humberstone, sons of Arthur Humberstone (1912-1999) who worked as a Senior Animator on the film in the late 1970s. Klive and Nigel will be sharing images from their family archive, which includes numerous pre-production documents created during their father’s work on Watership Down. The roundtable will be Chaired by Dr Chris Pallant.

The ticketing for Canterbury Anifest this year is Pay What You Can; please select the ticket price that you feel comfortable paying for each event. Alternatively, you can buy the Festival Pass which will allow you access to all the talks for a total of £10.

This is an online event. Advance booking is required to receive full access details in advance of the events. One ticket is required per device, not per person viewing, so two people watching on one screen only require one ticket. The majority of talks and screenings will be shared via Microsoft Teams, and will remain accessible to you online for 7 days from the end of the individual event.

Dates and times

This event finished on 27 February 2021.

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