A Journey into Northern Myth, Ritual, Runes and Cosmology

In this evening of insight into the Northern myth-world, Andreas will present the Norse creation myth and the story that lies at the very heart of Norse mythology: the Birth of Wisdom. He will also reveal the relationship between the runes and the creation myth, and will bring some ancient rune amulets such as the ancient bracteates and runes stones for display. We will discover theories of how they were used magically, and what influenced the magician who worked with them throughout the thousand year history of runic writing. Much of this material has never before been translated into English. The evening will combine storytelling, lecture and discussion.

Andreas Kornevall is a Swedish mythologist specialising in Norse myths and old Norse languages, with a focus on runic studies, especially the non-linguistic meaning of the runes. He is an active contributor to 'Ancient Origins' which brings together experts in folklore and mythology. He has worked with with Sussex Past, the oldest archaeological society in the UK, to revive the ancient Pagan Anglo-Saxon Creation Myth, telling stories inside the iconic Lewes Castle, and he regularly works with the National Trust in re-storying the landscape of the South Downs in Sussex. He is also an active member of the ‘Forn Sed’ (Old Customs Association) in Sweden which works closely with ancient Norse culture and traditions, unearthing old legends, forgotten folklore and endangered Norse languages. All his storytellings are accompanied by musical instruments such as drums, frame drums, flutes and horns.

Dates and times

This event finished on 07 October 2017.

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